
The company ranks first in the list of companies that meet the requirements of the environmental protection equipment manufacturing industry (atmospheric treatment) specification.

2018-1-16 17:24:10 0

In February 24th, the Ministry of industry and the Ministry of industry announced that the list of enterprises that conformed to the requirements of the environmental protection equipment manufacturing industry (atmospheric treatment) specification (the first batch) had been publicized. There are 8 enterprises in compliance with the specification conditions (first batch), and Colin environmental technology Co., Ltd. is among them.。

In February 14th, the Ministry of industry information issued the standard conditions for the manufacturing industry of environmental equipment (atmospheric governance) (No. sixty-sixth 2016), and put forward relevant requirements for the enterprises of the air control equipment manufacturing industry, including basic requirements, technological innovation capability, product requirements, management system and safety production, environmental protection and social responsibility.

he Ministry of industry and credit, the national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of science and technology will work together to promote the development of the environmental technology and equipment industry from three aspects: encouraging the advanced, standardizing and eliminating the backwardness: first, to formulate and implement the standard conditions for the manufacturing industry of the environmental protection equipment (air governance industry), and to publish a number of standardized enterprises list, To standardize the development of the industry; two is to organize and implement the advanced environmental technology and equipment application demonstration project, to guide the upgrading of the environmental technology and equipment industry; the three is to publish a batch of negative list of backward environmental protection and equipment, and improve the threshold for enterprises to enter the industry of environmental protection technology and equipment. The gradual advance of the above measures will accelerate the supply side reform of the air treatment equipment manufacturing industry and guide the sustained and healthy development of the industry.